Reverse Circulating Junk Basket
Reverse Circulating Junk Basket
Stuckey’s Specialty Tools’ reverse circulation junk basket is an excellent tool for retrieving all types of small junk objects from the well bore. Its unique design of reversing the circulation of the flow assures complete clean-up procedures and eliminates the possibility of a plugged core. Stuckey’s Specialty Tools’ reverse circulation junk basket can be adapted with a fishing magnet and still retain the reverse circulation feature.
A single junk catch is used in the assembly and a lifting sub is provided for ease in handling. The lifting sub also provides ideal storage space for the steel ball. During operation the steel ball fits into a valve cup to allow the fluid to flow through the inner passage of the barrel and out the vents in the lower end. This causes a continuous stream of fluid to flow through the center of the tool and up through the return port in the upper end of the barrel. Thus all of the junk is carried into the barrel and deposited in the junk catcher.
Stuckey’s Specialty Tools’ reverse circulation junk basket is manufactured from 3-5/8" O.D. to 16" O.D.