Econo Mill
Stuckey’s Specialty Tools’ economills are a low-cost mill for light-duty milling jobs. Dressed with tungsten carbide it is an effective tool for milling packers, retainers, bridge plugs, and cement. Manufactured with standard API connections, the mill is made up and broken out with a standard bit breaker. No additional subs are required. Circulation is directed along each cutting blade and through the center of the head for proper cutting removal and cooling.
Junk Mill
Designed for use in milling up tools such as retainers, bridge plugs, and retainer type production packers that are cemented or stuck. Complete coverage is provided by the cutting surface dressing of tungsten carbide chips and matrix material. The location of the circulation ports allow for complete removal of cuttings and are highly resistant to impact loads.
Stuckey’s junk mills are supplied with flat or concave bottom and blades, or unbladed. The standard OD range covers from 1-7/8" to 13" or to any desired customer specifications.
Pilot Mill
Stuckey's Specialty Tools’ pilot mills are ruggedly dressed with tungsten carbide to provide the most effective tool for milling washpipe, liners, washover shoes, safety joints, and swag. Milling rates are very rapid over other milling tools and milling time is greatly reduced. The Stuckey's Specialty Tools’ pilot mills are provided in all standard milling sizes. Any special customer requirement for changes can easily be provided.
Starter Mill
Stuckey’s starter mill is a specialized milling tool used in conjunction with the sidetracking system. Because of the tapered pilot, the starter mill is used to mill only the first 18 - 24 inches of casing. The starter mill is dressed with tungsten carbide.
Taper Mill
Stuckey’s Specialty Tools’ taper mill has proven most successful in correcting collapsed casing problems. These rugged mills (dressed with tungsten carbide) will mill out full gage casing that is split and collapsed. Stuckey’s taper mills are also used for removing burrs and cleaning up permanent whipstock windows. It is recommended to run mills on stabilized drill collars for maximum results.
Watermelon / String Mill
Stuckey’s Specialty Tools’ string mill is usually positioned in the drill collar string for milling out tight spots in casing. The string mill (placed in the drill collar string) is reamed up and down over the sidetracking portion to debar and cut clearance for subsequent casing or liner operations. The string mill is dressed with tungsten carbide material.
Stuckey's watermelon mill is used in running the sidetracking system. The watermelon mill is used in the same string with the Stuckey's window mill for smoothing and cutting clearance in the pack-stock window. The string mill is then added to the string with the taper mill and watermelon mill to make a stiffer cutting assembly and further open the window for subsequent drilling operation. The mill is dressed with tungsten carbide material.
Window Mill
Stuckey's Specialty Tools’ window mill is used with a sidetracking system to cut the window in the casing wall. After beginning the cut out with Stuckey's starter mill, the bottom hole assembly is changed to add the window mill and Stuckey's watermelon mill. The Stuckey's window mill is dressed with tungsten carbide to provide maximum cutting ability for greater penetration.